Minggu, 07 November 2010

Update GKI Humanitarian 6-7 November 2010 (En)

Update Team Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia

(Team GKI) 6-7 November 2010



1) Team GKI Mentawai had reached the village of Eru Parabuan, Desa Malakopa, Pulau Pagai Selatan in the west coast.

2) The trip was heart wrenching due to the big waves that rocked the boat of Team GKI Mentawai.

3) All building in the village was decimated.

4) The remaining 60 families were ill and famished.

5) They were immediately handled by the doctors from Team GKI, dr. Ricardo (GKI Kebayoran Baru) and dr. Rosmauli Hutabarat (GKI Seroja).

6) They gratefully accepted the relief from Team GKI considering the scarcity of help in remote areas such as this one.

7) The leader of Team GKI in Jakarta sent a greeting through sms as follows: “dear Rasid, sorry for disturbing you in the middle of all of this. I just wanted you to know that in Jakarta all of us are praying for your safety. This is not a fake wish, but an appreciation for you that represent us all. I’ve received an email from Rev. Ken Williams, the moderator of Uniting WA Synod, stating that he also pray for you all. Please tell all the doctors and the volunteers, that we always pray for them. Every blessing, Kuntadi.”

8) The reply from Rev. Rasid Rachman: “Mr. Kun, I’ve read the SMS in front of all the volunteers and their families who supported the service of Team GKI Mentawai. All of us welcomed the greetings with an applause and thankful for your support.” (Rasid Rachman)


1) Team GKI Mentawai saw that it is necessary for the villagers in isolated areas to be able to celebrate Christmas in a more proper condition, in order to lift their spirit up.

2) Team GKI immediately provided chainsaws to cut up boards to be used as building materials to be used as a place of worship and housing. Lumber are aplenty near the villages.

3) The villagers agreed and can build the place of worship and houses on their own as long as the materials and tools are provided. The spirit has started to lift with the help of the GKI Team. (Rasid Rachman)



1) The Team GKI Magelang had distributed 120 rice rations for patients’ families in the Army hospital Magelang.


1) Volunteers from Team GKI Magelang played an outdoor movie (layer tancap) for 91 refugees in GKJ (Javanese Christian Church) Plengkung Magelang.

2) Team GKI Magelang also provided fruits and cakes for the refugees during coffee break time.

3) Team GKI Magelang received donations from Team GKI Jakarta in the form of drugs:

a. Aerosol GL 500 (green) 200 boxes

b. Aerosol 5R (red) 200 boxes

c. HT 2 unit

d. Volunteer uniform 50 pieces

4) Team GKI Magelang brought aid to the GPIB Margomulyo Yogya:

a. 3 sacks of masks

b. 2 tarps measured 6 x 12 m (Eka Setiawan)



1) Team GKI at 08.00 held Sunday mass for refugees in the UNY camp.

2) Team GKI at 11.00 also held a Sunday mass for refugees in Maguwo stadium.

3) The Sunday masses were led by GKI Klasis Jogja and supported by the Jogjakarta’s Ministry of religion and Satkorlak who entrusted the tasks to the GKI Team. (Paulus Lie)

4) Team GKI Jogja received packets of aid and medicines:

a. Team GKI shirt 100 pieces

b. HT Werwei 2 sets,

c. Ecosol RL 150 boxes,

d. Ecosol G5 200 boxes. (Paulus Lie)



1) Tonight, 6th of November 2010 at 20.32 WIB GKI from the UKRIDA complex dispatched two truckloads of aid for the victims of Merapi.

2) The destination of the medicines, minor medical equipments, and food are Magelang, Jogja, and Klaten, whereas some of the aids belong to other donors that were to be delivered to specific destination set by the donors.

3) The aid brought by Team GKI Kayu Putih Jakarta are:

a. Ecosol, Rl 4000 bottles,

b. Ecosol G5, 4000 bottles,

c. Sangofiks es slim spike, 1000 pcs,

d. Introcan safety G18, 2000 pcs,

e. Intrafikx primilene, I.S 500 pcs,

f. Intrafikx air W/O 180 cm 200 pcs,

g. Uniform of Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia for 300 volunteers,

h. Handy talky 4 pcs,

i. Eye drops 120 bottles,

j. Biscuits 12 cartons,

k. Wearable garments 12 cartons,

l. Children’s diaper 1008 pcs,

m. Women’s underwear 192 pcs. (Yusak Ismanto)

4) The aid for Mentawai and Wasior is still being consolidated by Team GKI Jakarta.

Report by

Pdt. Kuntadi Sumadikarya - TGKI Sinode GKI

KS: Sunday, 07 November 2010

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