Rabu, 17 November 2010

Update GKI Humanitarian 16-17 November 2010 (En)

Update Team Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia

(TGKI) 16-17 November 2010



1. TGKI Jogja supported the nine basic sustenance logistics (rice, oilm sugar, babi food, milk, salted fish) as well as mats, carpets, blankets, bathing equipment to the refugee posts which are under the care of TGKI Jogja which are: Adisucipto, Jambusari, Maguwo, Desa Jamuskauman-Kecamatan Ngluar-Kabupaten Magelang, as well as three refugee posts near GKI Gejayan.

2. TGKI Jogja conducted a survey to the refugee camps that requested aid to TGKI Jogja, which are:: Sawangan (Dusun Ngger Tengah Lor, Desa Suronalan, Desa Kadisono); Condongcatur (pengungsi dari Desa Mudal, Argomulyo, Cangkringan); Dusun Kutu-sinduadi-sleman (cangkringan refugees); Postulat Novisiat CB refugee camp.

3. Sending the medical teams to Tempel-Sleman.

4. TGKI Jogja sent the team to have a meeting with the joint secretariat for disaster response in Klaten.

5. The medical team tended Dusun Baturono, with approximately 180 patients, aside from refugees there area also some locals coming to receive treatments.

6. Paulus Lie, the coordinator of TGKI Jogja also participated in the small meeting built by GKR Pembayun Keraton to protect and mend cooperation between all NGOs/institutions that helped the Merapi vivtims.

7. The meeting is lead by GKR Pembayun.

8. On Tuesday afternoon 16/11/10 a prayer is held in the Adisucipto post for the refugees lead by Kyai Haji Abdul Muhaimin from Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ummahat, Kota Gede. The proceedings starts with a spiritual session with Rev. Pulus Lie, Kyai Muhaimin and Ki Suwalji, Closed by a diner with the refugees whereas the food was prepared by the refugees themselves.

9. Helped and distributed 200 packets of basic sustenance for several groups of refugees that was short on logistical support, including helping and distributing food for children in the Maguwo Sleman stadium.


1) Wednesday morning the refugee in the Adisucipto post invited their friends from other refugee camps to slaughter 4 donated goats to be distributed to the people.

2) A child was sent to the Bethesda hospital due to an illness, but after a lab check-up the child was permitted to go home.

3) In other camps many refugees recklessly went home, while in the TGKI Jogja’s post only 3 families who ask permission to go home.

4) TGKI Bungur Jakarta and TGKI Harapan Jaya – Jakarta joined with the Adisucipto post and joined in the prayer.

5) The 10 doctor team from UKRIDA finished their tasks and went home by train to Jakarta.

(Paulus Lie)


Quoted from Kompas.com 16/11/10

WASIOR, KOMPAS.com — A month has passed since the flash flood that hit Wasior, Wondama Bay, West Papua, in the 4th of October, not many volunteer stayed in Wasior anymore, even though the volunteers are still needed in order to restore the condition of the flood victims.

Based in the information from the Wasior Disaster Mitigation Command Post on Tuesday (16/11/2010), if the number of volunteers in the first weeks of the disaster reached the hundreds currently there are no more than 20 volunteers left.

Two organization who still kept their volunteers in Wasior are Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (GKI) and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), asserted that the victims still require the help of the volunteers like giving healthcare service and to rehabilitate the psychological condition of the victims.

“GKI had been in Wasior since last month and will stay until the end of November because it is predicted that in the end of November thousands of refugees from Manokwari will return to Wasior. They will certainly require healthcare services” said Hartini S. Soedarmo the GKI coordinator in Wasior.

Six GKI volunteers helped the medical services for the flood victims. Not only that they also have a role in revamping the Social Department office in Wondama Bay into a hospital in which its existence is vital since most clinics and hospitals in the area are decimated.

Their help is invaluable because most of the medical personnel had left Wasior. The deep trauma because of the flood, not to mention the medical personnel that also lost during the flood, made them unfit to do their role as servants to the society.

One of the medical personnel who were in Wasior prior to the flood, Aswer Warkei (25), explained that prior to the disaster there were around 30 medical personnel in Wasior. After the disaster however, there were only 6 medical personnel remaining, and none of them are doctors.

“With the arrival of doctors from GKI and other doctors and medical personnel from other clinic in Wondama Bay helped us a lot,” said Aswer.

Reported by

Kuntadi Sumadikarya

TGKI- Sinode GKI

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