Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Update GKI-Humanitarian 29-30 Oct 2010 (En)

Update from Tim Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (Tim GKI) 29-30 October 2010


29/10/2010 17:23

Report from GKI-Humanitarian Jogjakarta

1) To continue the program of distributing basic sustenance and free medical services.

2) Alongside the people doing door to door distribution of 800 packets of basic sustenance and various daily utilities.

3) Distributing toys. Starting next Saturday we will start the trauma healing programme and medication, ergo the toys and games etc.

4) We need Candidiasis medicine and Cajuput oil, women’s underwear, sanitary pads, toys in large quantities and trauma healing team.

5) The GKI-Humanitarian received positive appreciation from various teams that worked together with the team, especially the Jasa Raharja team etc.

6) The Implementation Coordination Task Force (Satkorlak) always contacted the GKI-Humanitarian in order to share information.

(Paulus Lie)

30/10/2010 09:33

Morning report of Team GKI Jogja

1) Last night’s eruption made everyone panic, 2 cm of dust covered everything, the road is no longer visible, GKI’s command post 1 had to be relocated due to the enormous amount dust and sand covering the building, trees fell, and cars broke down.

2) Therefore, this morning we changed the plan: coordinating with Satkorlak, all volunteers are prohibited to use motorcycles due to danger, volunteers have to wear goggles and masks. This was a chaotic morning.

3) The primary mission in the morning is still aiding the children who are stressed due to the closure of schools.

4) Evicting several congregation members near Merapi. (Paulus lie)

30/10/2010 13:43

1) Today, the GKI-Humanitarian Jogja had gone down from the mountain, unable to move due to the huge amount of dust, the traffic visibility is almost nil, plenty of accidents, falling trees, the roads are all covered in dust, etc.

2) Unhealthy condition, the barracks and SAR teams are evicted creating chaos for Satkorlak.

3) At the moment there are no action plans yet. We are preparing an alternative plan to build refugee camps in Jogja, for the people in need of a better refuge, the place is being prepared.

4) Please pray for us, for there is information of a bigger eruption.

(Paulus Lie)



1) This morning the Doctor team from Ukrida consisting of 10 doctors and two volunteers arrived in Jogja and was taken to the GKI command post in Magelang.

2) The GKI Magelang team are picking them up to the GKI command post in Muntilan and surrounding areas.

3) Please pray for the success of the team so they can work efficiently in the designated areas where the refugees are waiting for their help.

(Eka Setiawan)

Report by
Rev. Kuntadi Sumadikarya - TGKI Sinode GKI
KS: sat, 30th October 2010

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Update GKI-Humanitarian 31Oktober 2010 (En)

Update Tim Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (Tim GKI) 31 Oktober 2010



1) The number of volunteers of TGKI Jogja is around 60 people.

2) The recipient of basic sustenance listed is around 1000 people

3) Other than the ones mentioned above there are mobile service with pickup trucks

4) Other than that cannot be recorded due to various conditions and situations,

5) Recipients consist of 5 villages.

6) Patient treated is around 200 patients

7) Mobile treatment onto few locations near Merapi.

8) Services to children: singing games, toys as prizes.

9) There a few more donations needed, in the form of:

a. Cajuput oil,

b. Candidiasis medicine,

c. Toys in large amount,

d. Blankets,

e. 9 basic needs dll.

(Paulus Lie)



1) The number of volunteers of TGKI Magelang is around 30 people.

2) The recipient of basic sustenance listed is around 500 people

3) Other than the ones mentioned above there are mobile distribution services.

4) Starting Saturday 30/10/10 TGKI Magelang will be reinforced by 10 Ukrida doctors

5) Recipients consist of 3 villages with the TGKI command post located in GKI Muntilan.

6) Medical services in 3 TPS.

7) Aid in the form of drinking water and dried foods.

8) Prioritizing those who have not yet receive aid or lacking of aid.

(Eka Setiawan)

Report by
Rev. Kuntadi Sumadikarya - TGKI Sinode GKI
KS: Sunday, 31st October 2010