Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Update GKI-Humanitarian 31Oktober 2010 (En)

Update Tim Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (Tim GKI) 31 Oktober 2010



1) The number of volunteers of TGKI Jogja is around 60 people.

2) The recipient of basic sustenance listed is around 1000 people

3) Other than the ones mentioned above there are mobile service with pickup trucks

4) Other than that cannot be recorded due to various conditions and situations,

5) Recipients consist of 5 villages.

6) Patient treated is around 200 patients

7) Mobile treatment onto few locations near Merapi.

8) Services to children: singing games, toys as prizes.

9) There a few more donations needed, in the form of:

a. Cajuput oil,

b. Candidiasis medicine,

c. Toys in large amount,

d. Blankets,

e. 9 basic needs dll.

(Paulus Lie)



1) The number of volunteers of TGKI Magelang is around 30 people.

2) The recipient of basic sustenance listed is around 500 people

3) Other than the ones mentioned above there are mobile distribution services.

4) Starting Saturday 30/10/10 TGKI Magelang will be reinforced by 10 Ukrida doctors

5) Recipients consist of 3 villages with the TGKI command post located in GKI Muntilan.

6) Medical services in 3 TPS.

7) Aid in the form of drinking water and dried foods.

8) Prioritizing those who have not yet receive aid or lacking of aid.

(Eka Setiawan)

Report by
Rev. Kuntadi Sumadikarya - TGKI Sinode GKI
KS: Sunday, 31st October 2010

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