Update Tim Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia
(Tim GKI) 5 November 2010
1) Team GKI arrived in the Maonae hamlet, in the village of Bulasat, Pantai Barat, Pulau Pagai Selatan, the southernmost area of Mentawai while the seas were calm and friendly. Went from Sikakap at 06.30 returning at 19.30.
2) The GKI team observed that 100% of houses and buildings in the area were decimated, and only 38 families were left. The needs of the village include lightings, bible, and a big tent for temporary worship place, kitchen and its equipment, and daily life support.
3) After meeting with the victims, the Team sees such longing in the people to worship. The victims desperately need some spiritual healing, because desperation has become a daily meal for these people.
4) GKI Surya Utama Jakarta will respond by donating 1.000 bibles and Sunday school books, both for the children and the Sunday school teachers.
5) Bitter sweet news. Team GKI Mentawai found out that few children are wearing hijab and Moslem cap, even though they are Christians. In the absence of any wearable garments, those clothes maybe a blessing, but must also be corrected by the church in helping the victims in isolated areas more swiftly. (Rasid Rachman)
1) Team GKI Magelang is preparing to respond for the immense number of refugees pouring into Magelang. The patients from the Muntilan General Hospital had been evacuated to Magelang. GKI Pajajaran had been asked by the Health Department to act as one of the refugee camp.
2) A number of ladies and 30 volunteers from Team GKI Magelang, starting from 08.00 had prepared 200 rations of rice for the day. The Army Hospital in Magelang also requested for 80 rations for the refugees.
1) Team GKI Jogjakarta still serve 4 command posts: the volunteers number increase to 100 people a day.
2) In the church building of GKI Adisucipto where 300 refugees were helped fully by the GKI Team,
3) In Maguwo Stadium (a place where 70 thousand refugees are located) the GKI team was officially given the responsibility to handle the western areas. The team has only managed a part of the 2nd floor. The services given are: health, child services, communal kitchen, hospital treatment for few patients with broken legs, etc.
4) As the result of the expanding safety zone from 10 – 15 km into 20 km, therefore Klaten, Prambanan, Boyolali was flooded with refugees even though the officials and the people were not ready.
5) Team GKI Jogjakarta had helped in the form of funding and aid for GKI Pambanan command post, and in Wedi post – Klaten (location for the relocated refugees from Gemalang). (Paulus Lie).
6) It was informed that Marsudirini and Van Lith school in Muntilan is having food shortages. Many of the students were starving, even though there are a lot of refugees fleeing from Muntilan. The GKI Team directly responded to the news.
1) The GKI team received a grand donation in the form of 2 light trucks full of medicine and minor medical equipment from PT B-Brown Medical via the 118 Foundation. As many as 14.329 boxes are waiting in the Team GKI office in Jakarta.
2) Tomorrow a part of the team will be dispatched to Magelang, Jogja, and Klaten transported by the Team GKI Kayu Putih, Jakarta.
3) The rest will be allocated to Wasior and Mentawai.
Report by
Pdt. Kuntadi Sumadikarya - TGKI Sinode GKI
KS: Friday, 05 November 2010
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