Kamis, 11 November 2010

Update GKI Humanitarian 11 November 2010 (En)

Update Tim Gerakan Kemanusiaan Indonesia

(Tim GKI) 11 November 2010



1. Team GKI (TGKI) Jogja provided services in TGKI Jogja’s command posts as primary targets.

2. Communal kitchen served 650 refugees and 250 disabled children = 900 refugees.

3. Communal kitchen served lunch and diner only, while breakfast was the duty of the refugees themselves. The refugees are being facilitated to prepare their own meal as a transition into independent refugees.

4. TGKI Jogja served well into Progowati Mungkid – Magelang; to Dusun Bogem, Karangmojo, Kalasan; where healthcare services was given to 90 patients and 90 children received childcare.

5. Team from Christ’s Church Abdiel which are Rev. Samuel and 9 volunteers joined and transported for services in Muntilan, Salam and Ngablak.

6. TGKI Jogja was included in the joint secretariat UNICEF, Klaten local government, Social Ministry, and Educational Ministry to tend for the children.

7. TGKI Jogja is preparing another barrack for the possible relocation of refugees who wants to move. There are few a information that some refugees moved from Salam and Muntilan starts moving out to Jogja.

8. The UKRIDA doctor team as many as 6 doctors starts to involve themselves in giving the services, the doctors was allocated into 3 teams, 2 teams went westward to Muntilan and Magelang, a team to Prambanan Kalasan and the surrounding areas.

a. West team, 3 UKRIDA doctors and 9 TGKI volunteers tend in Bumirejo Magelang. Total patient tended was 60 patients from the location 3 km from Blabag, Muntilan

b. East Team, 3 UKRIDA doctors and 8 TGKI volunteers tended the total of 80 patients in three locations which are:

i. Adisucipto,

ii. Plaosan,

iii. Jambusari.

9. The childcare services team went to Adisucipto dan Wedi posts; the service for ladies team tended the Adisucipto post.

10. The spiritual counsellor team tended the prayer meeting for the Christian refugees in the UNY stadium at 16.00.

11. On Saturday 13/11/10 TGKI Jogja is scheduled to meet with the people from the Jogjakarta Sultanate for coordination. This can be interpreted as recognition and an honour for TGKI Jogja. We’re grateful to The Lord.

(Paulus Lie).



1) TGKI Mentawai for the umpteenth time braved the waves with small boats to provide medical services for the refugees in several island in the isles of Mentawai.

2) Praise The Lord, there was only one patient to tend to (undo stitching and cleaning wounds). This means that the problem of healthcare is somewhat resolved.

3) The isles visited by TGKI Mentawai are Dusun Sabiret, Desa Malakopa, Kecamatan Malakopa; Dusun Limosua, Desa Bulasat dan Dusun Maonai, Desa Bulasat,, Kecamatan Malakopa.

4) In Dusun Maonai TGKI, for the remaining 40 families, handed over:

a. 40 bible,

b. 40 shirt,

c. 40 pots

d. 40 kettle.

5) Seeing that there are a lot of orphaned children because of tsunami, therefore TGKI Mentawai worked with Gereja Kristen Protestan Mentawai (GKPM) in building orphan shelters.

6) TGKI for the purpose of building the said orphan shelter bought:

a. cement 500 sacks,

b. iron sheeting 600 lbr,

c. nails 2'4 2 kg,

d. nails 3' 4 2 kg,

e. nails 4' 4 2 kg,

f. nails 5' 4 2 kg,

g. rebar 12' 150 pcs,

h. rebar 8' 100 pcs,

i. triplex 100 sheet,

j. sand 50 m3,

k. gravel 50 m3,

l. hollow brick 10.000 pcs,

m. plank wood 10 m3

n. handed over to the central leader of GKPM as the executor.

7) TGKI received support from GKI Samanhudi Jakarta in the form of:

a. generator set 1 unit

b. chainsaw 070 2 pcs.

8) TGKI received support from Gereja Oikos Jakarta in the form of:

a. sledgehammer 4 pcs,

b. hoe 3 pcs,

c. wheelbarrow 1 unit

All was handed over to the building executor from GKPM.

9) Relief to main command post GKPM Nemnemleleu:

a. t-shirts 150 pcs,

b. vests 20 pcs,

c. Handy Talky and 3 chargers (to ease communication)

10) The setting of the first stone of the GKPM-GKI orphan shelter was held on 12 Nov 2010.

11) TGKI Mentawai conducted a prayer meeting in order to strengthen the spirit of the people in Maonai.

12) Evening prayer meetings is filled with evaluation and reflection by Andrew with the reading from Gal 6 : 1- (Yusak Ismanto)

Reported by

Pdt. Kuntadi Sumadikarya –

Team GKI – Sinode GKI

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