Reports from Wasior, Wondama Bay.
Suryadi Soedarmo (Ambulance Foundation 118)
Circumstances during my presence 29th of October and 30th of October 2010
- Most citizens (around 80%) are still in refuge.
- The emergency hospital in the Social department is functioning but lacks everything.
- The number of doctors is sufficient (because of the addition of doctors from GKI.), there is a scarcity of nurses. If the refugees return there will be massive shortages of doctors and nurses.
- Advice :
- It is a correct decision to keep the GKI-Humanitarian in Wondama until the 20th of November 2010
- Additional equipments has been mentioned by Dr.Elvina
- Mangurai hospital:
= the administration room is ready for use
= the nurse quarters require some cleaning
= years of experience in disaster management taught me that there are no structural damages on the Mangurai Hospital.
Should there be any doubt about the structural integrity, I would like to advise the invitation of Ir. Teddy Boen, earthquake expert from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
- The emergency hospital has to be moved to Mangurai hospital ASAP
Others :
- The water reservoir in the Mandiboi Mountains has caused repeated flash floods.
I am unaware if there are steps taken to control it (hydroelectric and fresh watter supply?), but if there are no actions taken, then Wasior will always live in fear especially during long torrential rains.
- I am glad to see the GKI-Humanitarian. They came and tried to fulfill the people’s immediate needs, different from other teams that only come, erected tents, and give medication.
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